Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cancer and Pisces Compatibility

Cancer and Pisces Compatibility
Relationships between Pisces and Cancer is always a smooth love match. Both complement each other with emotional rapport. They could not care less about logic and are more inclined to follow what their heart says and dictates to them. Both signs know the need for security and reassurance, which is why they never fail to give it generously to each other.

There is not much that can make their personalities clash. Though, Cancer and Pisces can both be a bit moody and sensitive, they are romantic and warm. Pisces finds joy in pampering and spoiling Cancer. In turn, Cancer gives Pisces the stability and security they like in a relationship.

This relationship pairing is blessed with devotion and loyalty. Cancer is appreciative and expressive, whereas Pisces can be generous and responsive to their needs. There is a different level of maturity between them; one that makes their relationship a love match made in heaven.

Advantages of Cancer and Pisces Relationship

Both signs' points of view are quite similar, which works to their advantage. Cancer is focused and driven. Like Pisces, they are dedicated and determined to achieve their dreams and succeed. They can work with little pay, only to work their way up for the fulfillment of their career. Though, Cancer may not be that much of a risk taker, they are willing to sacrifice everything for their passion and the things they believe in.

Cancer is also emotionally sensitive. They can easily pick up on what their Pisces partner feels. And even for other signs, they can be the perfect "go-to person" for advice or for seeking a good companion during times of hardship. As a lover they are responsive and insightful. They are great listeners, and empathetic partners.

Likewise, Cancers are good communicators and never tactless, often choosing not to speak up, but rather putting other's feelings first over theirs. They understand and support Pisces, and rarely scrutinizing them. When it comes to difficult situations and decisions, they tend to be overly protective, only thinking what would be best for their Pisces mate. Reading your Daily Cancer Horoscopes can help you better understand this about yourself.

Disadvantages of Cancer and Pisces Relationship

Just like any relationship, Cancer and Pisces can oppose on little things that, if not addressed immediately, can bring about the ending of their union. For instance, Cancer is extremely moody. They worry too much, and it can be almost impossible to know how they will react to any given situation. Their energy is constantly changing. You can find them mingling with others and then sulking in the corner the next, hardly getting a word out from them. And when things heat up, or even when Pisces doesn't do anything, Cancer can get very irritated. Sometimes, they can simply detach themselves from everything, only to reset and put things back into perspective.

On the flip side, Pisces can become too demanding and rebellious for their Cancer mate. What Pisces wants, they feel they should get. If not, they can go into a tantrum mode until such time that their partner gets them what they want.

Both signs can be indecisive and instantly change their minds. There is never a day that Pisces worries and plans things ahead, which can tire Cancer out. In addition, Pisces has a good memory. They can bring out issues and disagreements from the past, only to win another heated argument. Your Daily Cancer Love Horoscope is an excellent tool to help you learn about these traits and how you can compromise more with your partner.

Don'ts with a Cancer and Pisces Relationship

The relationship between Cancer and Pisces can be very fulfilling. Both have specific qualities, both good and bad, that can complement each other. Though, Cancer may need different things from Pisces, Pisces will meet them half way with their views and insights.

Both can be sensitive and emotional, which is why they should not take everything so seriously, especially when things really do get serious. Cancer is patient, but with an outburst, they can be tactless. Likewise, Pisces has the tendency towards emotional blackmail to pursue their wants. It is important that both parties should not tolerate their emotional hang-ups. Instead, they should learn to control those emotions which have the potential to cause the end of their relationship later on.

Likewise, Pisces should not suffocate their Cancer partner with so many demands. They should understand that the mindset of giving and then expecting something in return is not right. Both signs connecting spiritually and being able to set their priorities right can make the relationship bond tighter.

What The Relationship Needs

The relationship Pisces and Cancer have is celestial bound. Both can benefit each other. Pisces can show their Cancer the love for creativity, while Cancer can guide their Pisces for practicality. They can live harmoniously with few arguments and differences. Their devotion and passion towards life and determination for success can make their relationship stronger.

What this relationship needs is for both signs to learn to control their emotional baggage. Pisces should be less demanding and possessive; and Cancer should be less moody. They must learn to gain emotional maturity and to adapt to each other's emotional needs. Likewise, for the relationship to work, both need to work on securing each other's individuality by giving the freedom and stability they both need.

Lastly, this relationship needs extreme trust. For the insecure Cancer not to feel aloof and shy, Pisces must be there to encourage them to face the world and their fears. And for the demanding Pisces who tends to seek attention and time, Cancer must learn to give in. The union of Pisces and Cancer is one of a kind, with so much compassion and happiness. Both simply need to learn each other's ways for it to have the best chance of succeeding.

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility

Cancer and Aquarius Compatibility
They always say that opposites attract, but with the case of an Aquarius having a relationship with a Cancer, it takes more than attraction for it to work. They are two different individuals, Cancer as introverts, and Aquarius is an obvious, unconventional, off beat, and always on-the-go person. 

The only thing that probably binds them is their passion and love for their ambitions. Both are hardworking and determined when it comes to reaching their goals. Then again, there are still many factors in play that can heighten the chemistry between us.

Unlike other signs, Cancer can give the Aquarius the gift of tolerance, their non-judgemental character. They are kind-hearted individuals who have expressive and creative minds, among the many qualities Aquarians look for a long-term partner. Though, they both may clash on some viewpoints and opinions, Cancers can let this pass as they are very generous.

Cancers  are highly sensitive to the needs of others, emotionally picking on the signs that others may quickly overlook. As a partner, they are responsive and insightful to an Aquarians needs, even if Aquarians hardly show it. In fact, Cancer individuals are more than psychics; they are sympathetic listeners always rushing to the Aquarian's rescue. Your Cancer Daily Love Horoscope will be very helpful in pointing opportunities to improve this relationship.

Advantages of a Cancer and Aquarius Relationship

Cancer has this innate quality of being resourceful, motivated, and hardworking. Though, they are not as futuristic as Aquarians are, they can be highly driven to reach their goals. They are eccentric, at their own pace, which Aquarians find very charming. And when it comes to romance, Cancers always teach Aquarians the valuable lesson of opening themselves to their emotions, something that Aquarians rarely do when in a relationship.

Cancers are peace-loving individuals. They are never comfortable with aggravating situations. They are not submissive, but they are ready to give up and compromise only to promote peace in the relationship. This is one thing that Aquarians look for in a partner as they never like fighting, violence, or argumentations.

Cancer is also very sentimental. They love to appreciate every little thing given to or done for them. Although Aquarians are known to be detached with their emotions, they also appreciate people who do not take them for granted.

Disadvantages of Cancer and Aquarius Relationship

Cancer is moody and overly sensitive. Though, they are peace keepers, they have this great memory that they normally use to bring up past disagreements and dislikes about their Aquarian partner. Being moody for them means they can easily get agitated if someone does or tells them something that they don't like. They tend to strongly react to something, whether it be in a tantrum or nagging way.

Likewise, Cancer is too touchy and clingy. They always have a hard time letting go. Their constant search for security can jeopardize the relationship with their Aquarius mate. And as free spirited as Aquarians are, they do not like people who are possessive. They value their freedom, and expect their partner to respect that. If their partner cannot give the space they want, Aquarians can easily pull out from the relationship.

Don'ts With an Cancer and Aquarian Relationship

This love match is probably not the most complimentary relationship there is. Aquarius is realistic and progressive, while Cancers cling more to their emotional side, are conventional, and always old fashioned. Though, Cancer can be amiable and generous, they can also be overly sensitive and emotionally annoying.

Furthermore, Cancer can always bring up past disagreements that can start trouble within the relationship. And once they do so, Aquarius must understand that in order for them to stop, they need to give their Cancer partner the attention they need. If the Aquarian does not know how to handle their tantrums, then it can mean the end of the relationship.

What The Relationship Needs

The best to fully understand your relationship is to get a free Relationship Compatibility Reading, which is based on your exact time of birth. But generally speaking, This relationship needs more than understanding for it to work despite the set differences they have. Both must learn how to lengthen their patience and give leeway to each other's needs. Cancer must learn how to stimulate their inventive and creative Aquarian's minds, while Aquarius must open up to their Cancer's emotions and feelings. And if Cancer asks for more within the relationship, Aquarius must not pull away.

This relationship also needs ample energy, especially for the Cancer to be able to catch up with their quick and imaginative Aquarian's mind. Likewise, Aquarius must hold their Cancer's interest towards them by showing them a different perspective of the world, but not as adventurous and extreme as Aquarius would want it to be.

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to Use Your Daily Cancer Horoscope

Cancer is ruled by the moon and is symbolized by the crab. Often, Cancer is misunderstood. They are perceived to be unemotional and careless. They are secretive and would rather keep their emotions to themselves, especially if they are hurt. However, if you learn to understand them closely, you will see that they are only sensitive, kind-hearted, and highly-evolved individuals.

Cancer is one of the most empathetic zodiacs. They have this psychic connection with others' feelings, even if they do not show it. Likewise, those born under the Cancer sign are very loyal and dedicated individuals, both to their family and the people around them.

Cancer individuals tend to be homebodies. Their home makes them feel grounded and safe. They will spend more time at their home, rather than socialize or go out and party. However, this does not mean that they are not social butterflies. In fact, many people love them because of their likeable traits.

On the flip side, Cancer can be resentful and unforgiving. Their sensitivity attracts their anger, and when they are mad, they will simply avoid the issue and flee. To some, this can be very offending, especially if they do not know what aggravated their Cancer in the first place.

To know more about yourself and understand how you are as a Cancer person, you can acquire your Cancer personality reading. Your Daily Cancer Horoscope can be an effective tool for self-awareness and personality development.

Cancer Relationship Compatibility Reading

A Cancer relationship compatibility reading is intended to help you find meaning and a fascinating new look towards your currently relationships with the other zodiac signs. This compatibility report is based on the individual traits of each sign and how they are correlated with yours. Using this Cancer relationship compatibility reading, you can develop, communicate, and manage your relationships. The zodiac signs that match well with a Cancer are Scorpio, Pisces, and Taurus. The zodiac they are least compatible with is Aries.

Cancer and Scorpio are two emotionally intense zodiac signs that are bound with security and compassion. Both signs know how to bring out the best in each other. Cancer can help their Scorpio create a comfortable and secure environment, while Scorpio can fix Cancer's emotional hang-ups. Both are nurturing, sensitive to the needs of others, and can work well together.

Cancer and Pisces come from a beneficial celestial pairing. Both zodiacs bring  something that can help and benefit the other. Cancer can teach their Pisces to put things into reality and bend their idealisms, while Pisces can help Cancer overcome their materialism and open them up to a more practical way of living. However, this union must be careful, especially when Cancer demands too much from a free-spirited Pisces.

Cancer and Taurus share a tight bond based on trust and understanding. Both signs seek emotional security and commitment, and loyal as they are, they know how to provide this need to each other. Taurus can be overly possessive, but they know how to spoil and nurture their Cancer. Commitment, surety, and fun in the relationship, on the other hand, is what a Cancer can offer their Taurus.

Cancer and Aries may have an emotionally imbalanced love relationship. Aries can be tactless while Cancer can be overly sensitive. They may hurt each other's feeling all the time, making this relationship unable to survive. Their emotions are too well guarded; any similarities or attraction between them would not be enough.

How to Customize Your Daily Cancer Horoscope

Everything we do creates a domino effect to ourselves and to everyone around us. What we think and how much energy we spend believing in something will manifest itself into reality. This is how we attract the universe.

The universe is like a sophisticated program that harnesses all its energy to create the environment accordingly to what you desire. Communicating with the universe is simple. All you have to do is to set your mind into something. You can do this by customizing your daily Cancer horoscope. Visit your daily reading and cut and paste the portion you want to edit in a word document. See an example with the customized version inside the quotation.

Have a strong need "and desire" to communicate with your feelings. As warm as you are, acknowledge your emotions, "and radiate a sunny disposition in life." Find a center of attention, "whether at home or not," and use it to find yourself through the realms of your emotions. In your family life, take responsibility towards others, "and take charge of the situations and lead." Alternatively, you can be plain bossy and domineering, "but you can exercise this aspect and turn it into something positive." Focus on your home-life, "and used it to stimulate you, learn, and improve."

Using your daily Cancer horoscope brings high level of understanding and commitment towards self-awareness and actualization.

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tips for Being in a Relationship with a Cancer

Cancer like its ruling planet, the Moon, is known for their caring and nurturing side. But, a cancer does not fall fast in the idea of love. Often, they are skeptical. It takes them a lot of time to trust. If they want someone, after careful analyzing, and they know their feelings are right, they would go after that person in an instant. On the contrary, when someone is luring them out, they would normally pause and drive that person away. At times, they have a nasty way of self-defence.

When their guard is down, you can find a soft spot for a Cancerian. They are very caring and generous lovers. They always have the notion of a perfect romance. Once they love you, expect to be treated like a queen or a king. They would do everything to make each moment with their partner a memorable one.

One thing that you have to watch out for, however, is their high temperament. They are very moody and easily get angry even with the slightest of things. It is important their partner understands their every mood swings and are forgiving for their misbehaviours.

Consider these Free Astrology Readings to learn more about Cancer:

Daily Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Personal Astrology Reading
Cancer Relationship Compatibility Reading

Positive Traits Of Cancer Lover

Cancer is one of the most loyal of the zodiac sign. They are passionate, loyal, and very responsive in love. They see to it that things are always in order even when it comes to their love life. They are strong and independent-minded people, but can be emotionally clingy.

They are supportive of whatever their partners dreams, talents, or lives may be and would do everything to help out and nurture what they have. They have that special power to make others feel good and they are always sensitive to the needs of their partner. Cancers, likewise, are the most loyal lovers among the 12 zodiac signs.

Negative Traits of Cancer Lover

Cancer has a good memory. Often, when in a heated argument, they would bring out their partners faults. They are also moody, and have a high temperament. They can be sweet one time, and get mad at one thing the next time. Ironically, what their mad at are petty things. They are overly sensitive and gets hurt easily. Cancer takes a long time trusting someone, especially when it comes to their opposite sex. But, once you win their heart, they can be the best among your best friends or lover. They, however, the tendency to demand love back. 

How To Attract An Cancer

The biggest concern a cancer have in a relationship is trust. To attract a cancer, you must win their friendship first. They do not trust easily, so you have to show them your sincerity. Building their trust can be hard and takes time, so never force them into one thing they do not want. 

Listen to them. That's one thing they are attracted of.  Don't just listen though, but actively listen.  They love to tell stories, and tell their day dreams and ambitions in life. They like live conversations, and those with great sense of humour.

Someone who is as caring, understanding, and supportive like them is someone that could sweep them of their feet. They are attracted to someone who is very sensual and loving. They love being appreciated and are attracted to thoughtful persons. They don't mind being martyrs in love so long as their partner is loyal to them. If you break your promise, be ready that your cancer lover could be your worst enemy.

Don'ts with an Cancer

Cancer is very sensitive. Don't do anything they don't like or they are sensitive to. Once they fix their mind on something, you may talk about it with them, but never argue with them upfront. They would be defensive about it and would feel disrespected.

Never play with their emotions. They are very true and sincere to their words, and they look forward to someone who never theirs too. They don't also like controlling and manipulative persons. They always want to be in control of their lives. In fact, they want to be the one followed instead.

Lastly, never disregard something they find very important even the smallest of things, like a souvenir or the pettiest of things like a plane ticket. Also, don't disregard their feelings. They rarely show their sensual side, so once they do; they expect their partner to be responsive.

What Cancer Needs From Their Relationship

Cancer needs someone who is trustworthy and as loyal as they are. They don't like to play games and are never the type to play games or toy with someone emotion. They long for security in love and would prefer long engagement and lasting relationships.

They also need a relationship full of understanding. They can be emotional and moody at times, but it is only one of their witty ways to get attention and feel that they are being loved. They can be tactful, but a forgiving partner is always that wins their heart.

They also like to weight things, which is why they need a relationship with an open mind. They love to change their mind. A partner who can accept their vast and wild mind is someone they need in their lives. Cancer is very observant and intelligent. They can sense if your intentions are genuine. You can never fool them. A relationship build in truthfulness, stability, and pure love is what they need most. They want someone without any hidden agenda.

Also, they need a relationship full of variety. They don't like to stick on doing the same thing. They love having fun and adventure. They also like spending quality time over great dinner and beautiful scenery. Something that is romantic to do is what they need in a relationship.

Cancer is very loyal and loving partners. They need someone who can understand their sensitive side, and can go along their unexpected side. Mostly, they long for a relationship that is lasting and secure. 

Jordan Canon
Spiritual Advisor